Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Righteous Auto Care is here to help no matter what the automotive problem is. One common form of auto theft isn’t stealing the car itself but rather crawling under the vehicle and stealing the catalytic converter. Converters, especially those in large trucks, are in high demand for their metal. The first call you should make if you suspect your catalytic converter has been ripped off is to the authorities. Next, give your auto insurance a call to see if they’ll cover the damages. Finally, call us so we can inspect your exhaust system, repair any damage, and install a new catalytic converter.
You will know that something is wrong when you start your car, truck, or utility vehicle. The first thing that is going to happen, aside from the loud engine noise which we will talk about next, is your check engine light is going to turn on and stay on. This is because the catalytic converter is missing and exhaust system sensors are sending malfunction codes to the main computer chip.
Now, let’s talk about your engine. It is going to be unusually loud and make roaring sounds. This is because the catalytic converter is no longer there to take in the push of exhaust made by the engine. Unfortunately, this push is a forceful one that makes roaring noises.
This push also makes your automobile jerk when you press down on the accelerator. Your automobile will lurch forward several times as it picks up speed. This is also a sign that there is no catalytic converter underneath the vehicle. In addition to the jerking motion, the roaring noise will get louder as the vehicle accelerates. You will think that you don’t have a muffler.
Your automobile is also going to have a difficult time operating at slow speeds. Your engine produces two types of torque while it is operating. The torque used at high speeds is called high-end torque. This is not affected by the missing catalytic converter. The torque used at low speeds is called low-end torque. This torque production is affected by the missing catalytic converter.
Finally, the discussion in this post has suggested that you are driving your automobile after the catalytic converter has been ripped off. We strongly suggest that you avoid doing this because the exhaust will make its way into the passenger cabin and make you sick. There is no longer a catalytic converter to accept the exhaust and routed through the exhaust system.
Righteous Auto Care in Racine, WI, is here to help, so call us today.
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Righteous Auto Care
3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402 3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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Righteous Auto Care
3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402, United States of America
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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