Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Call Righteous Auto Care in Racine if you are having difficulties steering your automobile. If you have clocked over 100,000 miles on the odometer, it’s possible that the power steering pump is going bad. This is the average lifespan of the steering pump. Without a functional pump, you will end up with power steering fluid circulation problems. Let’s talk more about all of this below.
Aside from having difficulties circulating the power steering fluid, the steering pump is also going to groan or moan in protest when you turn the steering wheel. The noise will be soft at first, only to increase in volume as you keep turning. We like to say that this is the power steering pump’s way of protesting when you want it to do its job. If it is going bad, it won’t feel like it.
You may also notice that your steering wheel is getting tighter and tighter when you try to turn it. This points to a problem with the fluid circulation in the steering system. Naturally, this problem can logically point to an issue with the power steering pump since this is what the pump does. In some cases, the steering wheel may also feel too loose at times, only to tighten up again.
Don’t wait to have the steering system checked if you are having either of the problems listed above. If you fail to have the pump replaced when it needs it, there may come a time when your automobile will stop responding when you try to change its direction. In other words, you may turn the steering wheel so you can make a left turn out of the intersection only to have your vehicle go straight.
As the steering pump gets older, the seals will give way and you will end up with steering fluid on the garage floor. The color of this fluid is red. If you see spots or puddles of red fluid on the garage floor underneath the engine, check the power steering fluid to see if it is low.
If the fluid is low, you might need a new steering pump. If the fluid has metal in it, you definitely need a new steering pump. The metal is a sign that the pump is dissolving in the fluid.
Righteous Auto Care in Racine, WI, is here to help, so ring us up today to set up a service appointment for your automobile for a steering system inspection.
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Righteous Auto Care
3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402 3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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Righteous Auto Care
3077 Douglas Ave, Racine, WI 53402, United States of America
Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat - Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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